Welcome to Trinity Lutheran Church in Atchison Kansas
From the Trinity Lutheran Church Family
We are inviting you to our Lent worship series. This Wednesday, we will be exploring the theme “My Lord who frees me from Slavery and makes me a Son" (Christ the Redemer) on March 26th, with reflections on Galatians 4:1-7 and John 8:31-88. Join us every Wednesday and/or Sunday during Lent as we collectively reflect upon Jesus Christ, who sacrificed Himself to redeem us from our sins.
We encourage you to be involved as much as possible.
For more information about worship services, please visit our website at Worship Times | Trinity Lutheran Church or call the church office at 913-367-2837.
I hope to see you in church soon. Blessings this Lenten season.
Trinity Lutheran Public Relations
Join Us for a Lenten Taco Dinner to Support Operation Christmas Child!
We are excited to announce our next Lenten dinner, dedicated to collecting new toys or monetary donations for Operation Christmas Child. We strongly encourage toy donations over money!
Toy Donation Guidelines:
Event Details:
Come enjoy a wonderful meal and help us bring joy to children in need. Your generosity can make a big difference!
📢 Sermons Available! on Spotify 🎧✝️
Listen to sermons preached by Rev. Jacob Dandy at Trinity Lutheran Church in Atchison, Kansas!
Grow in faith and life under the honest and gentle hand of Jesus. At Trinity, we preach Christ Crucified for the forgiveness of sins—because that’s the heart of the Gospel.
🔊 Tune in now: Spotify Link
#ChristCrucified #FaithComesByHearing #LutheranPreaching
Exciting News: Our Newsletter Now Online!
We are thrilled to announce that our newsletter is now available online for your convenience! Stay up-to-date with the latest updates, events, and insights directly from our community. Accessing our newsletter is easier than ever - simply visit our website and navigate to the >>'Connect' 'Newsletter/Resources' section to read the latest edition. Don't miss out on exclusive content designed to keep you informed and connected. Explore our online newsletter today and join us in celebrating our community's stories, achievements, and upcoming events.
Newsletter/Resources | Trinity Lutheran Church
Online Giving
EGiving is an online service that allows electronic donations to Trinity Lutheran.
Click on the Give Now link below to connect directly to Trinity Lutheran’s account.
Catch Our Service on Hot Country 93.7!
Join us every Sunday at 9:30 AM for a broadcast of the readings, prayers, and sermon from our church. It's the perfect way to stay connected wherever you are!
🎵 Listen on the go: Download KAIR’s new app! Search “MSC Radio” in the App Store or Google Play.
🌐 Prefer to listen online?
Stream live here: http://www.kairfm.com/
If you can’t attend in person, connect with us on Facebook.